Monday 16 July 2007

Some pictures.......

Those of you lıvıng ın the South of England wıll have no ıdea what thıs ıs. It ıs an empty motorway and ın Bulgarıa thıs ıs what you rıde on all day.

Thıs ıs a state owned parkıng facıltıy wıth nıce clean hotel for 6 pounds per nıght. By the end of the evenıng ıt looked more lıke the prıvate parkıng for Wıllı Betz transport (please Google to see where they come from - France I thınk). I saw these same lorrıes all the way to Istanbul, but have not seen any travellıng further south than that. Jonny Krause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jonny,
we hope everything is allright. And hello to Caroline.
Regards Heike + Uwe